Friday, May 14, 2010

Party Time

Cinderella was not in attendance, neither was Sleeping Beauty. There were not any clowns, magicians, or storytellers, and there was not a bouncy house anywhere around. For 2 birthday parties, here's what we had - pancakes, bacon, a sandbox, tree house, craft projects (including decorate your own cupcakes) and lots of little girls running around in pajamas. The six year old party was Friday evening from 5:30 - 8PM, and the 4 year old party started at 9:30 Saturday morning.

I'm pretty sure that the parties would not have been a big success if the best Grandma & Grandpa ever had not been at the stove keeping the pancakes and bacon coming for all. Friday night we topped them with whip cream and Saturday morning we had chocolate chips. Who knew that, with the last minute delivery of the piano bench from my dad's house, we could fit 11 giggling girls around our dining room table.

I won't lie and say that I didn't get stressed while planning these soirees, but once the cupcakes were baked (another thank you to Grandma) and the party favors were assembled, things ran relatively smoothly. Of course, a week later, I'm still looking for some of the items that I put away (hid) at the last minute so that the house would appear relatively clutter-free.

I'm sure that I will have new insight and party lattes each May as we tackle the 2 parties in a row for the girls. Here it is for turning 4 and 6 - top everything with lots of sugar, and, for some reason, wearing pajamas is a huge hit with little girls. Running out for a latte before the arrival of the 2nd round helps, too.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Letting go...

"Mommy, try letting go!" That is what Mason said to me last week as he was riding his bike. Granted, it's time for him to learn to ride. He boycotted the bike when we removed the training wheels a year ago and the scooter has been his preferred 2-wheeled transportation. Still, his words caught me off guard and I found myself getting a little teary as I ran along beside the bike.

Now I can't keep up with him as he bikes all over the place. He has mastered yet another skill. I can check "teach bike riding" off my to-do list of parenting. Now Mason would like to be in charge of teaching it to his sisters, and I know I should let go and give him room to try.

As I sit here on Mother's Day - here, of course, being Starbucks, I'm trying to figure out how it is that my baby will be 4 tomorrow and her sister will be 6 on Thursday. My kids are almost 4, 6, and 8, letting go is going to be a bigger part of my job every day. That makes me a little sad, but it will put my kids on the path to becoming independent adults. Although I never say no when Mary Jane asks if it's alright if she lives with me forever. I'm taking baby steps to letting go. Happy Mother's Day!