Monday, January 25, 2010

The Process of Parenthood

"It's a process." That's an expression that I have used over and over again since I first became a parent, whether referring to sleep patterns, potty training, or eating habits of 5 year olds. What I realized today is that it's all a process - I guess a journey is another way to phrase it. Until we become parents, we have no idea what it will be like or of all of the processes involved.

Today I used my administrative skills to update the calendar with everyone's activities for the coming weeks, my culinary skills to get some "growing foods" into my kids, my finance skills to pay some bills, my (somewhat-limited) housekeeping skills to ensure that my house doesn't look like a tornado struck, and my well-honed negotiating skills to get everyone in bed at a decent hour.

Who knew that this is what my life would evolve into? Before Mason was born, I had never had anything fancier than a vanilla latte from Starbucks. A whole other world was waiting. Luckily, I now know that I can have things like a venti soy mocha as I did today while I visited with 3 other moms over coffee.

Today's latte - enjoy the many processes of parenthood. They are constantly changing, but many depend on each other. Where would our kids be if we had not first taught them how to sleep through the night (usually) and how to use the potty?

Monday, January 11, 2010

Domestic Diva

I am a Domestic Diva! Not really, but I think I might right a novel and start it with that sentence. Something with a heroine who stays home with her kids, drives an SUV, and has a very expensive latte habit that her husband is trying to break. But back to the domestic diva - that might be stretching it a bit, the laundry is starting to pile up and there are still dishes to be washed in the sink. I do feel as though I've had a productive couple of days on the homefront.

I've taken on closets as my new organizational project. I won't bore you with the details, but I've taken out a full bag of trash and all of the girls clothes, toys, and most of my bathroom items are now up to date and accessible. All of this without buying one new container of any sort.

My domestic diva latte is this - look around. You might have more cute and functional storage containers in your house than you realized. I've repurposed a tin watering can as a holder for all of the girls' fairy wands. Mary Jane laughed at me, but now she knows where to put them away.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Don't Worry, Be Happy

I know, it's a catchy title from a somewhat annoying song, but there is some truth in the phrase "Don't Worry, Be Happy." As a parent, it is very hard not to worry about everything. I think I say "be careful" and "stop doing that or you'll get hurt" a few dozen times each day. Rob tells me that I should relax, let them run around the house in socks on slippery floors while holding sticks, but I just can't help myself.

Now I realize that it's not just me. My 2nd grader is also a worrier, he is learning so many new things right now and questioning all of them. He wants to know if Vampires exist, if the earth is going to collide with the sun, if the Halloween candy has gone bad and how do I know that it hasn't? So now I also worry about the fact that he worries so much. It's exhausting!

But my latte today, as you might have guessed is don't worry, be happy. Try to look on the bright side of things. Even though I started the year by putting my husband's Blackberry in the washing machine (not a good idea), I've also managed to channel my inner-Martha Stewart (not an easy thing to do) in order to make a crafty headband holder for the girls' room and a cute wire display for artwork.

Not too long ago I wrote about Happy Thoughts and how writing some down each day might help your outlook on life. I'm giving it a try this year. You can check out my new blog Happy Year Project . I am going to list 3 things which made me happy each day for a year. I'm already finding that some days it's easier than others to come up with a list. There will still be lattes for the new year, too.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

New Year, New Latte

Resolutions don't really work for me. Last year I resolved to keep up with my blog, and that didn't really happen. At least in 2010, my new wii fit might help me finally get into shape. I'm realizing that New Year's doesn't come at the best time for me to make big plans. It's right after a very exciting and highly anticipated Christmas for three Santa-believers. They all received just what they requested and more. A tip - take kids to see Santa as early as possible in the season. I just heard a mother say that 2 days before Christmas, her 4 year old asked Santa for some items which he had not mentioned at home. Yikes!

By the time New Year's rolls around, I'm more tired than ever and my house is a huge mess thanks to lots of new toys and weather that has kept my crew indoors for much of the break. On Tuesday we'll start back into our routine and all of the chaos that goes with it. I'm going to finally tackle the boxes of artwork and pictures in the basement that need to be sorted. It's a new year, anything could happen. Maybe we'll finally get in to the neighborhood pool this summer - we've been on the waiting list since June, 2006. The Christmas decorations have all been put away until next year, new lattes await for 2010.