Wednesday, November 3, 2010

An Over-committed Latte

Parent involvement is a great thing. One of the truly fabulous things about my kids' elementary school is that the parents often fill in the gaps left by public school bureaucracy to get things done. There's just one thing, if you're a parent at the school and you give a hint that you might have a few free hours one morning a week or a special interest in something, they'll ask you to volunteer away all of your free-time.

Being a parent volunteer starts early. When my kids were very little and I was sleep deprived and desperate for adult interaction, I did things like coordinate our weekly playgroup. Then came preschool. The opportunities for volunteering as a preschool mommy can be overwhelming to say the least but also fun and rewarding if you find the right committees. Then you're ready for elementary school. I am a good target, I'm very social and enjoy working with groups of other moms. Lots of moms are very good at the juggling required to get it all done - they have lists and calendars and yahoo! groups. I have a hard time even keeping up with email these days much less a calendar or three.

With Mary Jane only in pre-k, I have many years left to volunteer at school, but, this fall, I'm feeling like I've already reached my limit. I still haven't typed up the minutes from the last PTA meeting which I need to do since I'm secretary, and I spent too much time to count getting wrapping paper delivered to the right students since I'm in charge of that fundraiser. I am in awe of the people who somehow manage to take on much more than I have, and they seem to do it with ease. I am also developing a new respect for those moms who have no problem saying no. Signing up to be a co-Daisy Scout Troop leader for Charlotte has turned into way more commitment than I bargained for, but I think I'm in it for the long-haul now.

Here's my latte for all you volunteer moms, take five minutes and drink a latte before you say "yes". Is it something that you or your children will really enjoy? Charlotte is thrilled about scouting which is why I said yes to that one. While joining a committee can be a great way to meet people, it's not a good idea to join just for the social aspect. Real work will probably follow. Then you might feel guilty if you're not giving it 100%. If you want to get together with other moms, just make plans, and it is amazing how much fun it can be to go out without an agenda or to-do list in front of you. Now I'm off to type up those minutes.