Here are a few other items that I realize are a necessity if you happen to find yourself snowed in with 3 active kids for an entire week just one week after Christmas break:
1. Sleds - Rob managed to snag a few from the hardware store before the snow and ice hit
2. Coffee - lots of it
3. Neighbors with kids - so soon after Christmas break, my kids needed more than just each other to play with
4. Facebook friends - Social networking is a great thing, and many other Atlanta moms have been online to share in the fun and pain of this week at home
5. A husband who is willing to get out and about
6. Video games - the Wii was a huge help this week, we could only stay out sledding on ice for so long
7. Patience - mine is starting to wear thin
Finally, when everyone feels up to it, you should go out for a latte! The walk to our local Starbucks was a welcome outing this afternoon!