Earlier this summer (yes, I realize that my last blog was spring-break), we went to Chicago. While there, we took the kids to Navy Pier and to the Children's Museum there. It's possible that it was our last visit to a Children's Museum, Mason was too old for many of the activities and quickly bored by others. I also felt like my kids were among the some of the older ones playing in the children's area at the Botanical Gardens last week. I felt a little bit of longing for simpler times as I watched the young moms chasing their 2 and 3 year old children around. Not that I want to go back, but at 5, 7, and 9, my kids are no longer babies by any measure.
It's all changing as it does every year. My kids have strong opinions which is good, I guess, and it keeps me on my toes. Still, watching them grow-up is bittersweet. There are times when I'm no longer their favorite person, and they don't need my help the same way they once did - not that I wish they still needed me to dress, change, and feed them, but at times I wish they would let me put them in the clothes I pick out. I guess that for now, I'll just keep drinking my venti, soy, iced lattes from Starbucks and try to enjoy each day - even the frustrating ones.