Then it happened, we were in what seemed to be the middle of a great summer when, all of a sudden, it was time to go back to school. There is one huge difference this year, Mary Jane is joining her brother and sister at the elementary school. She won the lottery and got a spot in the coveted pre-k program at the school. As she starts the 2nd week, I think that she feels more tired than lucky. She is not an early riser by nature, and the school day is now starting 10 minutes earlier (can they really do that?). 7:15 - 7:45 has not been a fun time for us, I'm hoping it will get better.
What does all of this mean for me? My kids are all in school from 7:50 - 2:20. Wow! Since I wasn't really ready to be done with preschool, I've taken a job helping out a couple of mornings a week in the toddler room there. I'll still have some free time on my hands. Maybe I should give cooking a try, and perhaps I'll finally get organized around here. Exercise has got to make it onto my to do list. But first, I've got to get use to the silence. I'm off to get a latte (alone) and run a few errands. And I'm a little sad that I don't have anyone to buckle into a carseat while I'm out. I guess it would seem strange if I stopped at the zoo by myself.
My days are still busy, after school we have homework, playdates, karate, gymnastics, choir, etc. I just have a different type of day now, and Mary Jane and I need to adjust to the new schedule. I'm glad that for 8 years I spent most of my time with my kids, it has flown by. Today's latte - listen to your kids, it's much more fun than the sound of silence.