Monday, October 11, 2010

"I have a photograph..."

In high school I listened to a wide range of music - Billy Joel, REM, Indigo Girls, James Taylor, 10,000 Maniacs, Bon Jovi. The list goes on and also includes Simon & Garfunkel. They had a great little song called Bookends which contains the line "Time it was and what a time it was, I have a photograph. Preserve your memories..." I've had that line stuck in my head all day.

Today is the day I finally began to tackle the huge box of pictures from the last 5 years that has been growing in the basement. Mason's baby book ends around age 2, but it does take up 2 volumes with captions for all of the big events. The girls each have a handful of photos thrown into an album, I feel a little guilty about that. I actually put off getting a digital camera until Mason turned 1. I wanted to have pictures to hold and save. I was worried that if I went digital I wouldn't have anything to put in albums.

Turns out, I still have quite a few printed pictures to sort through. For now at least, I have decided to forgo the individual albums and just get the pictures into some sort of order. What works best for me is to put pictures from one event together with a caption, and not worry too much about chronological order. I am going to devote one album to birthday parties, my sorting revealed some gaps in prints so I will spend some time in the coming days sorting through Snapfish in hopes that I can find missing parties.

Here's my picture sorting latte - first, have a latte to keep you going while you sort. Then make sure you have the time and space to spread out for a while without any small folks coming and trying to "help". Then get ready for a trip down memory lane, you'll be singing "... I have a photograph, preserve your memories..." for hours after.

1 comment:

PinkSugar said...

Hi Amy, I can't find where I can email you. I have a hot contest going on right now called the Frightfully Frugal Kids Halloween Costume Contest and I would love your support. Here's my email incase you dont want to post yours:

Good work on the Blog, I've been a faithful follower for almost a year now!