Sunday, April 8, 2012

An Easter Latte

I really want the picture, you know the one, kids all groomed in beautiful new clothes for church on Easter Sunday, Mom and Dad who don't look exhausted or frazzled. I know it sounds superficial, it's a picture that I've seen many times today on Facebook. But that is just not the reality of Easter for my crew. For one thing, our puppy ate Charlotte's new Easter sandals about 5 minutes after I got them out of the box, and Mason can't stand to wear anything with a collar. I also find that church with my whole family on Easter turns out to be a long and crowded event with kids who had too much sugar before 9:00 in the morning thanks to the Easter Bunny.

The perfect Easter picture didn't happen today, but that is alright. Instead of getting everyone fixed up for church, Rob and I walked to an outdoor 7:15 service at our church while the kids woke up to check out their Easter baskets with Grandma and Grandpa. They waited till we got home to hunt for eggs in the yard. We went out for breakfast and then had a family trip to the park on an amazingly beautiful day. We then spent the rest of the day at home, kids played with friends while Rob & I did a few more house projects (a latte of stuff is coming soon).

Next year I'll try again for the picture. We now know not to leave new sandasl unattended. But if it doesn't happen that will be ok. I feel pretty good about the quality of Easter we had at our crazy house, and today, I didn't even have a latte. Happy Easter.


ODSchuler said...

I long for that picture too, Amy! And it seldom happens at our house either. Thanks for the reality check. We had a great Easter; not picture-perfect, but great.

Subhash said...
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