Tuesday, November 4, 2014

An Anniversary Latte

Halloween is over and the holiday craziness, not to be confused with the day to day craziness, is about to begin.  Life seems too busy.  For at least a few minutes today, I'm happy to take some time to reflect on the fact that Rob and I have now been married for 14 years!  I can never seem to find time to write any more, and so I am updating a post from 5 years ago today...

"14 years ago today, we lived in a bubble. Jobs were everywhere and houses sold as soon as you put a "for sale" sign in the yard. 14 years ago September 11th was just another day on the calendar, and we never dreamed of paying more than $1.50 for a gallon of gas. 14 years ago the country was 3 days away from learning about recounts and hanging chads. 14 years ago our only baby was a 70 pound mutt, and Rob had never changed a diaper. 14 years ago we talked about having 3 kids someday, and we used cameras with real film.

14 years ago today we said "I do" and then we danced, and we started our adventure as a family. Happy Anniversary, Rob!"

Saturday, March 15, 2014

An Honest Latte

Collect memories, not mementos.  That is one piece of advice that I would like to give my kids.  Of course, I'm sure that they will one day read all of these blog entries that I have written and use the memories I have recorded against me - I can almost hear the "I told you so's" and "How could you's" coming out of their grownup mouths.  So here it goes, I am dedicating this latte to my children who will read this at some point in the future.  Here is a list of confessions, tips, and general observations:

1. I am uncoordinated, talkative, and tone deaf, I might have passed those traits along to you.  At least you also have my blue eyes (and bad vision).
2. At some point in your early years, it is possible that objects in your stocking and/or Easter basket may have come for your preschool consignment sale.
3. I was forever upset that my dad didn't get me the pet guinea pig I wanted for my 7th birthday.  For that reason, we got a rabbit for y'all.  Now I understand why my father said no.
4. I traveled every six weeks or so from the time I was 10 until I was in college.  As a result I have lots of anxiety about travel preparations.  Sorry if I'm no fun to be around when we're preparing for a trip.
5.  I don't know how Santa survived in the years before eBay and Amazon.  I am glad that my years as Santa came after those great inventions.
6. Collect memories, not mementos - with the exception of American girl dolls.  We may as well hold on to the collection we have amassed.
7. Every great couple should have one spender and one saver.  I'm sure you can figure out which is which in our family.
8.  Keep trying new foods, you might eventually like them.  I just started liking olives 2 years ago.
9.  Wear sunscreen.  I had so many bad sunburns as a child, follow my current example.
10. Never ask anyone if they are pregnant or tell them they look tired.  Both could be taken as extremely rude.  You were raised in the South where we tend to talk around such things.
11.  You are not growing up in my dream house, but it is a dream home - one day you'll understand.
12.  I look forward to school breaks at least as much as you do, I really hate packing lunches every morning.
13.  I am so sad at the thought that in what seems like an instant you will all be grown and moving on, but I am also excited by the amazing people that you are becoming.  Since you are only actually 7, 9, and 11 right now I'm glad that I get to keep you close for a while.  

I could go on all night with this list, and yet, I'm fairly confident that you guys will eventually navigate life pretty well.  Either that or you will have some sort of app to help you.  Until then, make your bed, say please and thank you, and take time to reflect on life with your sentimental mother while I enjoy a latte.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

A Funny Latte

"What is something funny that happened today?"  This is my new favorite question du jour to pose to my kids when we sit down to dinner.  Tonight Charlotte answered with something funny that her brother had done, and the ensuing discussion led to an argument free meal for all of us.  I will admit that tonight is the first time I've tried this, but it seems like a good idea.  

My grandfather use to always ask "What did you learn today?" when we sat down to dinner at his house.  I was never sure what to say, but I wish I could still have those discussions with him today.  The tried and true "What's the best thing that happened today?" tends to lead to too much competition with my crew.

My day got a whole lot funnier after dinner when I opened my package from Amazon.  My husband and I are going to a 1940's themed 40 birthday party this weekend and I needed a costume for the event.  I spent about 3 minutes looking on Amazon and I ordered the 1940's GI costume without too much thought.  Can anyone explain why every female adult costume ends up being a sexy version of the character?  Who knew that Amazon carried products from a company called Secret Wishes?  Needless to say, I'm 41 and not a huge fan of working out.  I'm wearing the dress as a shirt with a skirt I found in my closet.  Not a story I would share at the dinner table, but it did lighten my mood for the day.

Try it - ask your kids to tell you about something funny that happened during the day.  As my oldest gets closer to his teenage years, anything that will keep him talking and laughing about his day is a good plan.  We will see what happens that is funny tomorrow - maybe something over a latte with friends in the morning

Monday, February 17, 2014

A 2 point Latte

I am ready to complain.  For a few days, as I often do, I have been thinking about the things I want to write.  2014 has gotten off to quite a start here in Atlanta.  Yes, I live in Atlanta - the city that has been shut down by not 1 but 2 snow storms in 3 weeks, not to mention the extreme cold that also caused all of the schools to close last month.  Here are the numbers - today is the 30th weekday since Christmas break officially ended.  It is also the 2nd scheduled holiday (President's Day and MLK day).  We have had 8 and a quarter snow days - only 2 of which were really good for playing in the snow.  My youngest had the flu so she was out of school 4 of the days that school was actually in session.  My oldest also had one sick day.  My middle child, not be left out, didn't time it as well so she was sick on 2 of the snow days.  She also had an emergency trip to the dentist for a chipped tooth one morning on a school day.  Are you keeping track?  On 17 of the last 30 week days, I have had one or more of my kids home with me for some or all of the school day.  I love my kids, but there is a reason that I don't homeschool them.  On the night before the latest snow storm, I stocked up on bread, milk, and we bought a few new games for the Wii.

Then something happened this weekend.  The sun came out and we had a weekend that revolved mostly around the church league basketball tournament.  My husband was there for much of the weekend, and my son played in 3 of the games.  The final game of the tournament for my son's team was a great game. Prior to this weekend I had not gone to any of the games this season since Rob is always there and there is not much room for spectators.  Mason got on a team with power house players, he is not one of them, but he has enjoyed the season immensely.  Yesterday the game was close, and as I was watching Mason ended up with the ball, he shot and scored!  It was the first basket that he made all season.  The kids and parents of his teammates went crazy.  It was not the game winning shot, but they did go on to win the game.  We are not a family of huge sports moments so for us, that moment was huge.  I forgot all of my complaints of the past week, and enjoyed the moment.

It is suppose to be in the 60s much of this week.  I have spring fever, and I would much rather go to the beach than skiing (which is what we have planned) for spring break.  I am actually going to make an appearance at work today.  I wonder if they will remember me, I have been gone alot lately.  Maybe I will start exercising again.  I will have a chance to watch more sports as Charlotte gets ready for her 2nd gymnastics meet on Sunday.  Getting back into a routine of packing lunches and getting ready for school every day is going to be tough, but I'm sure summer will be here before we know it.  In the meantime, I'm going to schedule some time to meet my friends for a much needed latte.

Saturday, January 4, 2014

A Review Latte

It is a new year.  Once again, I'm not sure how we got here so fast.  Some days, I'm not sure who these once so little and needy people running around my house are.  They seem so big and independent.  Now that we are fully entrenched in the 21st century, I see blogs everywhere.  The ones that speak to me the most are usually posted by friends on Facebook.  My first thought is always, "why didn't I write something like that?" After contemplating why my blog hasn't gone viral, I then started thinking about the year in review, and I came to this conclusion - it is hard to look back on the significance of certain moments until they are more than a year behind us.  Take 1997.  At the end of the year I would have told you that some big events included starting a new job at MCI, finally ending things with my college boyfriend, meeting some great new friends, and starting to date a coworker.  I did not know in January of 1998 that 1997 was the year I met my husband (the MCI coworker I was dating).  So when I asked my children about highlights from the 2013, they gave great answers, but who knows what the importance will be later in life.  I guess we will have to wait to see.  Here are some family events and highlights from the year.  If you know my kids, you'll know who said what:

"Vacations, making the gymnastic team, having a 2nd grade teacher who gives out candy, 5th grade, Minecraft, yoga certification, playdates and sleepovers with Rose, camp, summer break, the pool, right now"

Here is my looking back list of things I accomplished (good and bad) this year:

We survived the start of middle school and the logistics of riding the bus to a temporary home for the elementary school.  A year after the death of my boss, I started a new job (yikes!).  We painted the living room (by we, I mean Rob).  I exercised lots for the 1st part of the year, and not so much for the end.  I ate kale.  I had a mid-life crisis and started wearing make-up.  I yelled too much.  I walked all the time, often with my son.  I started blogs in my head every few day, but almost never found the time to write them down.  We shopped for living room furniture (we didn't buy any).  I cried with my child and held his hand tight when he had to get an IV for dehydration.  I gave things away.  I recycled.  I ate tomatoes from Rob's garden.  I spent time with my grandmother.  I bought skinny jeans (a sure sign that the trend is about to change.)  Our family started attending the best church service (the gathering at 5:05 at Glenn).  I rejoiced in the realization that we now have many family traditions for our not so little family.  I stayed in my comfort zone.  I celebrated with my children as they turned 7, 9, and 11.  I did not celebrate turning 41.  I had an old fashioned sleepover with my childhood girlfriends who are also my adult girlfriends.  I read every day.  I drank alot of coffee.

So there it is, a summary of our year.  I hope to yell less and laugh more in 2014.  I would love to take myself less seriously - my kids seem to have mastered that trick.  I would like to take up yoga, maybe Charlotte will teach it to me.  I want to embrace and enjoy the chaos of my children because they are growing up way too quickly.  Of course, 2014 will include a few lattes.  Happy New Year!