Monday, June 22, 2009

Free Time

A funny thing happened today- this morning, for the first time this summer vacation, I got up, packed 3 little lunches, rushed around getting everyone ready, and took all 3 kids to day camp. I dropped them off at 9:30 (really it was closer to 9:45) and for the first time in about a month, I had 3 hours to myself. What now? They will be at camp every morning this week. I have a dentist appointment on Wednesday and a trip to the eye doctor on Friday.

It's now summer in Atlanta, 90 degrees before noon and about 200% humidity so power walking is out, and I don't belong to a gym. Of course, my first stop was Starbucks which is a treat these days. Believe it or not, I've been making soy, mocha lattes for myself at home most day. Next, I ran to the mall to make a few returns and exchanges of various kid items, and finally, before carpool line, I ran to the grocery store to grab a few things to pack in tomorrow's lunches.

There you have it, nothing earth-shattering, and nothing that I couldn't have done with the kids in tow. After 4 weeks of spending most of our time together, I think that this week is a good break for me and for the kids. We've had lots of fun so far, and I am still glad that we don't have too many things on the calendar for now. This summer has had plenty of unexpected twists and turns, we don't need lots of scheduled ones. That said, for the sake of sanity, my latte to you is to schedule some down time for yourself if at all possible. Even if you spend the time doing a few kid-related errands, it's nice to get a little time without the kids along for the ride.

1 comment:

Mom said...

I'm so glad to know that you're getting a few hours of much-needed time for yourself this week! You certainly deserve it, particularly with everything that is going on right now. How are the kids enjoying their day camp? I am thinking about all five of you with much love and big hugs,
