Friday, October 2, 2009

Fashion Fun for Girls

It's now fall. The leaves are changing color and just waiting to be raked from our yard. They'll probably be there for a while. Here in Atlanta, the weather is finally starting to cool off a little bit. The big fashion excitement for my girls, ages 3 and 5, is that tights season has begun. They get so excited to pick out just the right combination of striped tights, a flower covered skirt, and a polka dot shirt to start the day. As the person who purchased most of these items, I can only sit back and tell them how colorful they look.

After Charlotte was born, it didn't take long for me to realize how much fun little girl clothes could be. They're much more interesting than the clothes for boys. I loved finding cute and cuddly little outfits and dresses for her to wear. Right around her 2nd birthday, something strange happened - she developed a very strong opinion about what she wore. Gone were the days when I could dress her (as I could Mason) in whatever I wanted. We started having daily battles over getting dressed each morning. I began buying more dresses to eliminate the need to mix and match. As she walked into preschool one day at a age 2 1/2, one mother commented that little girls should have buttons they could wear stating "I dressed myself today."

I've relaxed alot in the 2 years since. While I do like it if my girls manage to keep outfits to one or 2 patterns per day, it's alright if they don't. As long as they put on a jacket when it's cold, everything else is alright. My latte today is something I've said before, enjoy your child's creativity and pick your fashion battles carefully. They're just having fun with the tools that you've provided, which, in the case of my girls, is a closet full of mix and match pieces from the consignment sale at the preschool.


Unknown said...

amy... love this post.. as a teacher, i love looking at all the girls as they enter my classroom.... usually with cowboy boots, striped tights, multi-color skirt, and about three layers of shirts.... they are so proud of their outfits... as i always make a fuss about their outfits too... our bonding time first thing in the morn.... i only hope Peyton will have the same style sense as all my students:) post pics of the girls:)

Denise C said...

LOVE this post and I can SO relate to this. It's not worth the battle, and I bought most of the clothes!