Today's latte is going to be more of a few random observations which may make a full post at a later date (I welcome requests). Here goes, in no order, a few lattes to start the week:
1. Carpool line is no fun, avoid it if possible, but, as you may have heard, we had some rain in Atlanta so I put the stroller away and drove. If you must wait in line, bring some reading material because you may be waiting a while. Weather permitting, turn your car off while you sit in line. As someone who has pushed a stroller by many a line, the fumes seem unnecessary.
2. Fall cleaning and purging is just as important as it is in the spring. I have assured my husband that more stuff went out than came into the house for the consignment sale last week. That doesn't include money, my personal sales offset some of my purchases but did not cover them. But really, you should see the Talbots embroidered jeans that I got Charlotte for $7, as well as the 20 other cute things.
3. Redbook Magazine has a feature called "You know you're an adult when..." I realized today that "You know you're an adult when and your spouse go on a double date with your Dad and his wife and have a great time without feeling like you're 16 again!"
4. While your adorable and sweet children inherit some great traits from you, they might get some not so great ones as well, that's ok. I am not a happy person in the morning before I get a latte. My son is miserable when he first gets up, we are a lethal combination from 6:30 till 7:45 but we're managing (I think).
5. Don't forget to live in the moment. We spend so much time planning for and worrying about the future these days, but the moments with our kids won't last. I keep telling mine to stop growing, but they don't seem to be listening.
More lattes to follow soon!
Welcome back from all of your recent, successful volunteer responsibilities -- good for you! I'm so sorry that the girls are sick and do hope they will soon feel better. Terrific latte today, and I look forward to many more soon. They always make my day.
Much love,
well, it is good to know that I am definitely not an adult yet!! Haha great blog Amy :)
What is this double date business? I request a full latte on that topic.
I would like to add that Amy and Rob invited George (Amy's Dad) and myself (Amy's step-Mom) on a date to go see Elise Witt, a wonderful folk singer who performs and sings in more than 5 languages. She was performing at the Callanwolde Fine Arts Center in Atlanta and the twist to all of this is 2-fold.
1) Elise sang at our wedding and on this special night she sang the same French song that she performed for us 28 years ago.
2) This was also a gift to us for keeping Amy and Rob's 3 children for 3 days while they were in Colorado in August!
And yes . . . it was a terrific double date!
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