Sunday, August 30, 2009

Sunday Reflections

The kids are asleep, 2 snack baskets are packed for this week, and I'm taking a few minutes to look back on my weekend. It was a good one, but not what I had planned. Our first plans for Friday night were cancelled because of a friends' sick 7 year old, we then had to cancel other plans when Charlotte came home from school with a fever (she's fine now).

Saturday night, Rob & I hoped that we would be able to go hear friends' band play, but we couldn't find a sitter. I do have lots of new numbers, though. Instead, we invited a neighbor over for an improtu cookout. Today we followed our Sunday routine of Sunday school, church, lunch followed by a lazy, rainy afternoon.

In the midst of it all, I did some laundry,, grocery shopping and even a little cleaning. Not a bad, uneventful weekend. So here's my Sunday latte - be flexible. If you had asked me last week what I had planned for the weekend, I would have given a very different answer than the way it turned out. That's ok, we still had fun and good lattes.

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