Friday, August 28, 2009

Fill in the blank

Here is a little known fact about me, I always read the last page of a magazine first. I never do that with books, but magazines ususally have an interesting one page feature or article that you can read in less than 5 minutes. Coincidentally, that is often all the time I have for reading.

I got my latest issue of Redbook Magazine in the mail today, and I immediately turned to the last page which is ususally little blurbs about "You know you're an adult if..." This month is different. A few readers fill in the blank of the following sentence, "I love my ______ life!" It is a sentence that is used for the cover interview each month. Cindy Crawford apparently loves her "beach" life. After reading the 3 little stories from readers who love their "remarried, uncertain, and whole" lives, I started trying to fill in the blank of my own life. Here it goes...

"I love my MOMMY life!" I love that I get to go to the zoo and storytime, read to kindergarten classes, and help out in 2nd grade. I accept the challange of trying to balance activities with downtime, trying to make sure that at least a few vegetables are eaten each day, and trying to keep clean clothes available for all. I also love the fact that I get to have a break from being a mommy every now and then so that I can catch up with my husband, family, and other adults.

My latte for today is to fill in the blank, "I love my ______ life!"

1 comment:

Mom said...

I definitely love YOUR blog time, and I promise to start responding more regularly once registration is over. All of your incredible, creative lattes make me think; and the first thing I thought when I read this one is that "I love my Nana time" even though I only get to really enjoy it a few times a year. I also love my daughter time, thanks to you and Beth! Much love, Mom