Saturday, May 2, 2009


Once when I was 3 or 4 months pregnant with my first child, I remember crying to my husband because I was so tired all the time.  That was only the beginning.  Last week, I had a very sick child all week.  The sleeplessness that accompanied his illness reminded me of what it was like to have a newborn baby.  I think I spent much of the week feeling half-asleep and able to only focus on the most important matters in front of me.  I didn't cook or clean beyond washing every sheet that Mason touched each day.

He's now fever-free and feeling much better.  It's going to take a few days to get his energy back.  For the record, he didn't have swine flu, he just happened to get sick the same week that the media went crazy about getting sick.  He also didn't get a flu shot this year, he's also gotten the flu in  years when he did get the shot.  I'm ok with my decision.  Now, as alway happens after one of my kids has been sick, we get to spend a few days unlearning all of the behavior that came along with the illness.  I will finally turn off Sponge Bob Squarepants, and stop waiting on Mason's every need which is good because even though he is still my baby boy, he's getting a little big to carry around!  I guess that I will need to start cooking once again, and Rob (who was an amazing help through all of this) has already started getting the yard ready for next weekend - birthday parties for both girls in one day.  That will be a latte or 2 in itself.  

Today's latte is to allow a few days for recovery.  When a child is sick, it takes a toll on the whole family, and it will take a little time to get back to normal (whatever that is). 

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