Tuesday, May 26, 2009


It's here, 75 degrees and rainy, but summer is here.  I haven't planned much, and so I'm going to be back in cruise director mode for a while.  That's not a bad thing.  I'm finally learning not to over-plan for the kids.  It is possible for everyone to have a great time without alot of travel or expense.  On Memorial Day, we actually took the kids on an outing to a local gardening center.  They had a great time playing with the fountains and statues while Rob & I got some landscaping tips.  We then came home and let the kids splash in a little pool in the yard for a while while we grilled hot dogs and corn on the cob.  We all had dinner on the porch, and they told us it was the best summer ever!

Little did they know what they had to look forward to: today they helped me shop for a new bathing suit, and then we put on new rain boots and went puddle jumping through the neighborhood.  Add a newly DVR'd (recorded) Scooby Doo movie, and it was another great day!

Don't get me wrong, it is necessary to make plans each day.  Mason has already told me that he's getting tired of playing with his sisters.  Our tentative plans for tomorrow require that the weather cooperates, and so I need to start thinking of a Plan B.  I'm sure it will involve going out for a latte.  Today's latte is don't overplan.  Camps and vacations are great, but so is just plain summer fun.  If it rains, you can always puddle jump and have a mud fight.

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