Tuesday, May 26, 2009


It's here, 75 degrees and rainy, but summer is here.  I haven't planned much, and so I'm going to be back in cruise director mode for a while.  That's not a bad thing.  I'm finally learning not to over-plan for the kids.  It is possible for everyone to have a great time without alot of travel or expense.  On Memorial Day, we actually took the kids on an outing to a local gardening center.  They had a great time playing with the fountains and statues while Rob & I got some landscaping tips.  We then came home and let the kids splash in a little pool in the yard for a while while we grilled hot dogs and corn on the cob.  We all had dinner on the porch, and they told us it was the best summer ever!

Little did they know what they had to look forward to: today they helped me shop for a new bathing suit, and then we put on new rain boots and went puddle jumping through the neighborhood.  Add a newly DVR'd (recorded) Scooby Doo movie, and it was another great day!

Don't get me wrong, it is necessary to make plans each day.  Mason has already told me that he's getting tired of playing with his sisters.  Our tentative plans for tomorrow require that the weather cooperates, and so I need to start thinking of a Plan B.  I'm sure it will involve going out for a latte.  Today's latte is don't overplan.  Camps and vacations are great, but so is just plain summer fun.  If it rains, you can always puddle jump and have a mud fight.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

A Graduation Latte

My baby sister graduates from high school tomorrow.  It doesn't seem like my own high school graduation was that long ago.  It was an exciting night - a streaker ran across the field just as the valedictorian was beginning his speech.  Both guys are actually now on my list of friends on Facebook.  I have to take time to say how amazing it has been to watch my sister and her friends grow into amazing women over the last 4 years when we have lived just around the corner from them.  These soon to be graduates restore are proof that, despite what the media may lead you to believe, it is very possible to raise confident, intelligent, well-adjusted, beautiful young women in today's society.

The class of 2009 is off to a very different college experience than mine of the early 90's.  I was probably part of the last wave of students who still used the library instead of the internet to do research.  We didn't have cell phones or DVRs or laptops.  Not everything has changed, and so I'll pass along this lesson learned from my freshman year - ordering pizza at 3AM may sound like a great idea at the time, but, believe me, it's not.

My graduation latte is to take it all in.  I realize that in no time at all, my kids will be having their own graduations and not just from pre-school.  I also know, and I hope my dad knows, that the nest is never really empty.  Congratulations graduates!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

The Crazy Days of May

"May is the new December."  Someone used that line on Facebook last week to describe the very hectic schedule that comes along with having small kids in school just before summer.  It is a schedule that seems to be rivaled only by the weeks leading up to Christmas.  

This is what my day looked like yesterday:  It was one of those days on which by the time I got out of bed, I was already running behind.  I still haven't learned to take my own advice and get things ready the night before.  I had to remember to take about 6 things with us to the preschool for an outdoor arts & crafts day - there was no regular school, parents helped out the whole time.  This was followed by a class picnic (more things to remember).  

All of that was before noon, and then the day got really busy.  Honors day for the 1st grade class followed by a class party/playdate in my backyard.  Yes, I had all 19 kids from Mason's class over to play.  It would not have been possible without the help of other moms, a patient husband, and a jumpy which the class rented.  We survived, house & yard intact, with the help of a plunger and lots of juice boxes.  

Today, aside from the fact that it is unseasonably cold and everyone had to wear jackets to school, the reality of summer is settling in.  I have given money to every room parent around for teacher gifts, and Mary Jane had her last day in the Older 2's class.  By this time next week, I'll be trying to figure out exactly how we are going to keep ourselves entertained without spending too much money on activities.  

Today's latte (an espresso truffle latte for my step-mother who is celebrating a birthday), is to get ready, summer is upon us.  Enjoy the change of pace from the crazy days of May.

Thursday, May 14, 2009


I know alot about birthday parties.  I've been to hundreds and hosted at least a dozen in the last 6 years.  I started a birthday blog at one point, but I haven't found the time to keep it updated so I'll just go back to birthday lattes.  I've just survived the big birthday weekend in our household.  My girls' birthdays are 3 days apart.  This is the 2nd year that we've had parties for them on the same day.  I managed to use many of the tricks I've learned through the years, and I will now share them:

1. Buy food that is already prepared - hot dogs from the Varsity were a big hit with the 3 year old crowd, and quesidillas from Willy's worked for the 5 year olds.

2. Keep it practical - I let the kids at both parties decorate their own cupcakes, it saved me from having to do it, and it served as the obligitory "craft project" for both groups.

3. If you're inviting more than 6 kids (as we did for the 5 year old party), you probably need good weather, great entertainment, and beer for the parents.  We had all 3!  Great entertainment from Brainy Tunes  brought in all the way from California.

4. Know going into it that 3 year olds aren't going to be able to get a pinata open without a little help.

5. It helps to have Grandma around to bake all of the cupcakes for the parties at home and at school the next week.

Here's what I've learned for next year, I'm going to try harder to convince the kids that they don't need presents from their friends.  It's not an easy idea for a child, but I'll keep trying.  My post-party week latte is this - keep it simple!!  Less is more and kids are happy to just run around in some semblance of organized chaos.  On that note, I will be sending Thank You emails this year, I'll chalk it up to living a greener life!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day!

It's not just Mother's Day, it's also my baby's 3rd birthday.  Charlotte will be 5 on Wednesday, and we had big parties for both of them yesterday.  It has been quite a weekend around here!  The kids gave me the adorable cards and gifts that they made for me at school, and my sweet husband had a gift for me as well.  He also made a Starbucks run for me as soon as he got up this morning.  It was a good day!  

The kids were actually more interested in new birthday toys and the fact that Nana was staying in a hotel with a pool than in celebrating the day with me.  After hosting 20+ kids at 2 parties yesterday, I may be a little celebrated out anyway.  A few minutes alone by the pool with my mom were enough of a celebration, next time I'll wear sunscreen.  Happy Mother's Day!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Proud Moments

One of the great things about being a parent is the strong sense of pride you get to experience as you watch your children reach their goals.  An example I've used in the past is potty training - a big step for the whole family.  Yesterday, after a week off due to illness, Mason returned to karate and earned his next belt.  He worked hard, and it paid off.  Somehow it made all of the hours that I've spent trying to entertain the girls and keep them quiet during karate class seem worthwhile.

Of course, by this afternoon, we managed to run the gammut of emotions as we do every day - there were tears, anger, laughter - and that was just in the first 10 minutes at the park after school.  It's more fun to be proud, so find a reason - instead of being upset by a bizarre clothing combination, feel pride at the display of creativity; celebrate the displays of indepence that your children show several times a day even if they are only 3 years old and some might call the independence defiance.  Enjoy a proud parent latte.  

Saturday, May 2, 2009


Once when I was 3 or 4 months pregnant with my first child, I remember crying to my husband because I was so tired all the time.  That was only the beginning.  Last week, I had a very sick child all week.  The sleeplessness that accompanied his illness reminded me of what it was like to have a newborn baby.  I think I spent much of the week feeling half-asleep and able to only focus on the most important matters in front of me.  I didn't cook or clean beyond washing every sheet that Mason touched each day.

He's now fever-free and feeling much better.  It's going to take a few days to get his energy back.  For the record, he didn't have swine flu, he just happened to get sick the same week that the media went crazy about getting sick.  He also didn't get a flu shot this year, he's also gotten the flu in  years when he did get the shot.  I'm ok with my decision.  Now, as alway happens after one of my kids has been sick, we get to spend a few days unlearning all of the behavior that came along with the illness.  I will finally turn off Sponge Bob Squarepants, and stop waiting on Mason's every need which is good because even though he is still my baby boy, he's getting a little big to carry around!  I guess that I will need to start cooking once again, and Rob (who was an amazing help through all of this) has already started getting the yard ready for next weekend - birthday parties for both girls in one day.  That will be a latte or 2 in itself.  

Today's latte is to allow a few days for recovery.  When a child is sick, it takes a toll on the whole family, and it will take a little time to get back to normal (whatever that is).