Sunday, January 25, 2009

The New Black

"Green is the new black"  That's the slogan on a new organic T-shirt that I just bought.  I have a weakness for cute yet expensive tees.  Living a greener life is a great idea and it seems to be a necessity for our kids' sakes, but it is an overwhelming prospect sometimes.  I don't have a profound latte that sums up living a greener life (although I do like green tea lattes!), I'm trying to figure it out one light bulb at a time.

Like most things in my life, I'm going green through baby steps.  Two very easy and free ways to start are by recycling and unplugging.  I'm going to guess that most of my readers already do those things and more.  An added perk for us is that we can take all of our newspaper, magazines, and cardboard to Mason's school and the school gets money for recycling.  Unplug, unplug, unplug and it will save energy and money.  Just turning things off doesn't have the same affect.

I could stay up nights worrying about there being enough energy to power espresso makers for future generations.  As I mentioned after the holidays, one of my resolutions is to use my own cup at Starbucks.  It's a baby step, but it's something.  I'm just glad to have a greener way to enjoy my daily latte.

1 comment:

Beth said...

Amy. congrats on your green-ness. I rely too much on "prius imunity"--thinking that because I drive a hybrid, I don't need to do much more. Alas, all those starbucks cups and ethos water bottles add up.