Wednesday, January 21, 2009

"Where are we?"

"Where are we?"  It seemed like a simple enough question coming from Mary Jane in the back seat, but it was past dinner time and we were sitting in traffic on our way home from Rob's office.  The latte for today is that there are no simple answers when you're dealing with questions from small children.

I tried telling Mary Jane that we were on our way home, in the car, North Decatur Rd, Atlanta - each answer led to more frustration.  She had a very specific answer in mind, one which I was not providing.  To be fair, I (like many women) have been guilty of playing these same mind-reading games with my husband.  I finally told Mary Jane that I was in an airplane, where was she?  Charlotte chimed in that she was also in an airplane.  The situation was then successfully diffused.  

I have always tried to answer all questions  from my kids with an answer besides "just because"  but sometimes finding the right answer seems almost impossible.  I am no longer surprised when I am unable to answer a seemingly simple question to the satisfaction of a 2 year old.  Sometimes I just take the easy way out, and I change the subject in order to avoid providing an answer.  Suggesting a trip to Starbucks usually does the trick.

1 comment:

Mom said...

Brilliant! Really brilliant! No wonder you're so successful at being a Mommy and wife (although I'm not at all sure the "I'm in an airplane" distraction would work in a conversation with Rob, but it was a great idea with Mary Jane). Keep up the good work with those 3 little cuties!

Love all of you,