Friday, February 6, 2009


"Life is too short to drink bad coffee."  That was on a sign at a new coffee spot I've discovered recently.  Mary Jane and I stopped there this morning on our way to a jumpy place to meet some friends.  I actually agree with that statement, hence my very expensive latte habit.  But it made me think of much more.  

Today Charlotte's preschool class had a field trip.  It was a trip to the post office near the school, and Rob went along.  He wasn't sure if he would be able to make it, but he was able to take time our of his day so that he could go and it was worth it!  Charlotte was thrilled to have him along.  I think that life is too short to miss out on moments with your kids.  There are lots of things that happen when we're not around, and we won't be a part of many of the big moments as our kids grow up which I now realize happens so very fast.

Have a "moment" today.  Surprise your child by reading to his class or going on a field trip, it will become a moment for both of you.  My personal moment today was dancing with my 2 year old in a small coffee shop while I, of course, enjoyed My Daily Latte.

1 comment:

Mom said...

Since Norman would probably live in a Post Office if they would allow it, he was delighted to know about Charlotte's field trip to the PO with Rob going along. If she ever, ever shows any interest in stamp collecting, I know a Grandpa Norman who would love to get her started with some stamps from his own HUGE (and now somewhat valuable) collection.