Thursday, February 19, 2009


I needed a shower this morning.  That doesn't seem like that big of a deal, but moms with small kids will understand that it is sometimes easier said than done.  Mary Jane was up part of the night with a bad cough so getting up early didn't really work out.  I got a last-minute call to substitute at the girls' preschool which was a great opportunity, but it meant that I left the house and myself a complete mess.  After school, lunch, gymnastics, dentist we made it home for a little quiet time.  

As I cleaned up the kitchen and planned for my dinner out with girlfriends, I still needed a shower.  Rob got home just in time to take Mason to a Cub Scout event.  Luckily my little sister stopped by.  She had a tea party with the girls while I finally had a shower!

I talked to a friend today who is at home with her 6 day old baby.  I now always tell new moms that, in my experience, if you get a shower and a load of laundry done, it was a good day.  Maybe a latte, too.  Today was a good day, chaos and all.

1 comment:

Mom said...

I don't know how you do it, Amy. Your lattes are very helpful in keeping life's daily challenges in perspective. Here's to a good weekend and as many showers as you want!

Much love,