Tuesday, February 24, 2009

TFT - A Good Book

Another Toyota Free Tuesday (TFT) on which I've cheated again.  I won't bore anyone with excuses, but I drove the girls to and from school.  I probably won't get in the car again today.  While they were at school, I decided to take the morning off.  The house is still pretty clean from the weekend since my stacks of stuff are still in the basement.  

After I read to Mason's class this morning, I spent the hour and a half that I had free with a good book.  I have gotten sucked in (excuse the pun) to the Twilight series of teenage vampire books.  I read the first one for book club which I then couldn't attend, but now I can't wait to get through them all.  My problem with a good book is that it can take over my life by giving me yet another reason not to clean, do laundry, blog, etc.  I needed to take some time to finish my book so that I can get some other things done later on today.

Mason is developing a love for books that I hope will continue to grow.  He can't get enough of his chapter books which we take turns reading to each other.  Maybe one day I'll write a book of lattes for my kids to read.  I can't think of anything that goes better with a good book than a Daily Latte.

1 comment:

Mom said...

Good for you!! You are a daughter after my own heart. I hadn't heard about the "Twilight" books until you mentioned them. Tell me more. Are they something that a 63-year-old grandmother would like to read?
