Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Toyota-Free Tuesday

Since I started this blog, I have also started reading other mommy blogs.  There is not one in particular that I follow, but there are a lot of really good ones out there.  Several of the good ones seem to have a routine - different themes for different days.  I've decided to give that a try with "Toyota-Free Tuesday."

Here's the deal, we've had 3 days of spring weather and I've come out of hibernation.  I love my car and I know that gas is no longer $4.00/gallon, but that's no reason to drive more than needed.  I am going to try to have one day a week on which I don't get in my 4 Runner.  Since Mason has karate on Mondays & Wednesdays, Charlotte's gymnastics class is on Thursdays, and weekends are unpredictable, Tuesday seems like a good day to go sans car.

I hope that I'm not giving anyone the impression that we just stayed put all day, Tuesdays are actually fairly busy.  After I walked the girls to school, I walked back to Mason's school to read to his class for a little while.  I then walked home and cleaned, changed sheets, fun stuff like that.  When I left to pick the girls up, I brought Goldie along on the walk and we got the girls and the double stroller and walked back home.

My one dilemma of the day came this afternoon when I really needed to get Charlotte started on Valentine's cards for her preschool class.  It would have been easy to load everyone into the car for a quick Target run, but since I had already decided not to use the car today I had to think out-of-the-box.  I looked through our art supplies and found a stash of toilet paper rolls that I've been stockpiling for a rainy day.  It was 70 degrees and sunny today, but I cut the rolls into hearts which Charlotte then decorated with stickers and glitter.

Getting out and taking a walk is a great way to get some exercise, but my latte today is a little more than that.  Think about where you're going in your car.  Maybe you can have a Walking Wednesday or Foot Fest Friday.  Just make sure you can walk to get your daily latte.

1 comment:

Mom said...

This is great advice, particularly in good weather; but you are a champion walker (living up to your name) throughout the year it seems to me! Last time I was in Atlanta, I was really impressed with all of your daily walking. Keep up the good work! (As you can tell, I figured out how to leave a comment on your redecorated blog).