Sunday, March 15, 2009

Children's Art

My kids bring home lots of artwork.  Of course, it is all sweet and adorable.  I would love to say that I cherish every piece, but if I tried to do that it would take over my house.  I've learned to let go and only keep a few pieces here and there.  The art is great, but, as I wittnessed last night, it is not priceless.  At the elementary school auction, lots of parents (including this one) put a price on their kids' artwork and wrote a check for it.  Mason is very excited that we will be hanging the artwork from his class in his room.  Rob isn't thrilled that I went above the $80 limit he set, but it's all for a good cause.

If you have kids, this latte is for you - enjoy the art and then move on.  Frame some of it, display it on the fridge, rotate it, and keep a few special pieces.  Don't feel badly about throwing a few things away here and there.  Like a good latte, there will be more tomorrow.

1 comment:

Mom said...

This is an especially good latte that goes beyond Chidren's Art. There are those of us who have downsized over the years who need this advice every day of our lives since we simply don't have enough space to keep every single greeting card or piece of nostalgic memoralabilia that we have collected over the years. Sometimes we just have to say goodbye to some of it and move on.
Love you,