Tuesday, March 3, 2009

The Things Mommys Say

A few weeks ago I noted some of the really cute & funny things that our kids say.  Yesterday I realized that moms say some pretty funny things, too.  The thought crossed my mind as I walked through the den saying "If it's not food, get it out of your mouth."  I was probably using what Mason use to call my time-out voice when I said it.  When I'm really angry, I ask questions - "What kind of behavior is that?", "Do we hit?", and the ever-popular "Is that a crying reason?"

I feel just like my mother when I tell my kids to "work it out yourselves."  If your kids are still young enough to play make-believe, you'll realize the things that they hear you say.  Mason has taken to asking retorical questions in the same tone that I use.  Hearing a child scold a toy is enough to make you realize that you sometimes just sound funny, even when you're trying to sound mad.  So my latte today is to listen to yourself, you might be funnier than you think.

Note:  It was not a TFT thanks to cold weather, playdates, working at the preschool, and picking up a new table from Crate & Barrel.

1 comment:

Mom said...

I'm so excited to have been mentioned in your blog twice in recent days! Yes, I certainly do remember saying, "Work it out yourselves" which you and Beth almost always found a way to do. What great kids!

Love you,