Tuesday, March 10, 2009

TFT - No Excuses

I'm good at excuses.  With three young kids at home, it's fairly easy to find an excuse for almost anything - an excuse for not having time to cook, clean, exercise, shower.  You get the picture.  Today, after a very sleepless night with a coughing child, I decided that there are no more excuses.  It's TFT so even though it meant we were late for school, we walked.  Just to ensure that I wouldn't get lazy, I let Rob take the car.

So here I sit, tired after a long day of walking around and worried that it's going to be another long night.  I'm hoping that I can carry my "no excuses" attitude into my Wednesday and the rest of my week.  I can think of a dozen things that I need to get done around the house, and I'm out of excuses.  I seem to be having a tough love week as I say "Stop making excuses" as my latte today.  And don't forget to wear sunscreen - TFT left my arms a little pink!

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