Monday, March 2, 2009

Snow Day!

One of the great things about being a mom is getting to relive the joy of things that excited you as a child.  Today it's a snow day!  We spent Sunday afternoon playing in the snow with big, fluffy flakes that reminded me of Denver.  It was a rare and fun day in Atlanta, and today the snow is crunchy and icy and schools are closed.  My kids are all young enough that they still really like school, but they seem to be excited about the change in plans and the fact that we all still have on our pj's at 9:00 AM (which is not early around here).

I will admit that I haven't finished my first latte of the morning (I do know how to make them at home occasionally), and at some point we're all going to get a little stir crazy and need to get out of the house.  It will probably turn into a long day, but an exciting one since it might be a couple of years before Atlanta gets this much snow again.  Here I was about to pack up all of the coats and sweaters to get ready for spring.

Today's latte is to remember your childhood.  Remember the excitement of things like seeing a great snow storm as a fun activity not as a hassle that will snarl traffic.  Now I'm off to make another latte.  

Happy Birthday, Mom!

1 comment:

Mom said...

Thanks for your birthday wishes! My birthday gift from the weather gods was that the College closed; so I had a snow day, too, which was great! I'm sure the kids had a great time yesterday.

Love to all of you,