Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Alone Time

I know what you're thinking, that based on the title, I'm going to say something profound about finding alone time in the corner of a little coffee shop with no kids. Not quite. Realistically, there are probably about 8 daytime hours a week when I'm not with at least one of my kids, but that's a good thing. Here's what I've realized though, just like I need a break from them at times, they also need a break from each other. So, as nice as it is to sneak out for a latte alone, it makes a huge difference in the happiness-level in this house if I take someone with me when I sneak out.

Mary Jane got extra attention last weekend because she was sick and everyone noticed. After Mason & I went to the playground alone for 15 minutes on Saturday afternoon, he was in a much better mood, and that is all it took. Charlotte and I made breadsticks for her snack at school this week on Monday afternoon while Mason & Mary Jane made a fort. It really doesn't take much to make a child feel special, and 15 minutes of one on one time with Mommy or Daddy goes a long way. Maybe you'll get some Mommy alone time when they're teenagers.

1 comment:

Mom said...

Terrific daily latte! I now have the luxury of actually having "alone time" which I would love to trade for 15 minutes with you, Beth, Mason, Charlotte, Mary Jane, Rob, Ira, Hope and POTUS! That would be much more fun than watching the Lehrer News Hours which is my major evening activity.
