16 pillows - In this house we have 4 beds for 5 people and 16 standard size pillows. That number doesn't include the numerous smaller decorative pillows on every bed. My goal in life right now is to simplify and get organized. How can I do that when I am chasing 3 kids and making beds with 16 pillows?
I spend a fair portion of every day sweeping, folding laundry, and dusting (and going out for coffee and playing on the computer). Last week my girls helped me clean the inside of their dollhouse. There are lots of places for dust to collect inside a giant piece of plastic. Today, while changing sheets on all 4 beds, I made the executive decision to get rid of some pillows. There is still dust under my bed and laundry in the basket on the floor, but now there are two less pillows in the house. Maybe I'm on my way to simplifying and getting rid of some of the clutter.
The latte from today's rambling is just to take a small step. I really do feel good about getting rid of some old pillows that were past their prime. Today pillows, maybe tomorrow some toys. I'll think it over while I drink my latte.
Oh boy, i need so much clutter help. I think we have 16 pillows and there are just 2 of us. Do you do home makeovers? I will pay big bucks for de-cluttering. xxxF
Getting rid of pillows is a great start, Amy -- keep up the good work! This latte inspired me to dispose of a very old, beat up blanket that has been taking up far too much space behind my favorite chair in the den. I read your latte, and out it went! So keep inspiring me. Maybe some books will be next.
Much love,
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