Sunday, February 8, 2009

More Sunday Lessons

It was a beautiful weekend here!  We're getting a peek at spring after an unusually cold winter in Atlanta.  We took full advantage, and spent lots of time outside.  Now I need to shift gears and get ready for the week.  Who am I kidding?  I'm blogging, checking Facebook, and watching the Grammys.  I did spend some time today thinking about the week ahead, though.

I've mentioned before the Sunday ritual I try to find time for - a latte alone while the girls are at Sunday school followed by church with my grandparents.  As I sipped my latte and read the Sunday paper, I realized that my latte would make a good latte for the day.  Take a few minutes sometime each weekend to reflect and recharge.  It could be 10 minutes of checking your calendar for last week and transferring things to the new week that didn't get done, or perhaps it is an entire afternoon at a spa, or maybe a date night with your sweetie.

The rest of my day was busy.  The girls played our yard for hours resulting in skinned knees while Rob did house projects.  I felt guilty for not doing more spring cleaning given the weather, but I did spend much of the afternoon helping Mason do his homework which we (I) had been putting off all week.  Now I, once again, have too many things to do, and I'm not going to do any of them before I go to bed.  I'm glad that I took a little "me time" this morning to think about the week (and the really good lattes at Java Monkey).


Beth said...

HI Amy,
I put a comment yesterday but it looks like it didn't take. I do read every day but didn't know if you read the comments! Your blogs are great and looks like (from FB) you have some new followers. We had a very rainy weekend here but I was yoga workshoping which is my form of latte these days.

Mom said...

Dear Amy -- I agree with Beth. I wasn't sure if you actually read our comments until you asked us where they were! So now I will be diligent about commenting. Love this latte. Love "me" time (which isn't as easy to come by when you're 62 with no kids around as you might think). Are you going to post Beth's random list on your blog? If not, I need to try out FB.