Wednesday, October 15, 2008


As mothers of small children, we have lots and lots of guilt. Guilt about kids - they are too busy, they're not busy enough, they watch too much tv, they don't eat enough vegetables. Guilt about ourselves as mothers - I don't plan enough for my kids, we don't have the right toys or books, I spend too much time on the computer & too much money on coffee. Ok, so those last 2 might just be me, but you get the point.

Here's my latte on feeling guilty - stop it! relax, breathe, and accept that you and your kids aren't perfect. There are so many things to worry about in the world today that you can make yourself crazy if you try to stress over every little thing that you could feel guilty about. It takes a village to raise a family, and, for me, Elmo, chick-fil-a, and a lot of caffeine are part of the village.

1 comment:

Beth said...

Hi Amy,
I'm a little sick today so home watching The View right now. The "no guilt" message is a good one--I always feel guity about not being a better wife (cooking, cleaning, etc) and even about being a bad dog Mom!!! Having kids must be one big never ending guilt trigger. You handle it very well. And I really miss Chik-fil-a. xxxF