Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Growing Up

Yes, yes, my kids are growing up - way too fast for my preference.  Mason has 2 loose teeth and I just dropped off Charlotte's kindergarten registration for the fall.  What I've really been thinking about today is the fact that moms grow up, too.  On a very non-TFT (rain, swim lessons, returning a pair of shoes), I was going to take a few minutes to catch up with a few of my mommy friends.  That's when I realized that while my kids have been busy growing, taking on new activities, and entering new stages in life, so have my friends.

When Mason was 1 1/2, he wasn't in school and Charlotte was on the way.  My mommy friends were my lifeline, women I saw or talked to daily for sanity checks about feeding, pregnancy, nap schedules, etc.  We went to Gymboree classes, playgroups, and the zoo together regularly.  I still miss those moms since I had to say goodbye to them when I left Denver for Atlanta.  It shouldn't be a surprise that my latte habit (decaf back then) started around that time.  

Now that the kids are in school more, and most of my friends are done having babies (I think), they're spending time on other things - jobs, PTA, working out, etc.  If it ever stops raining around here, I'm sure we'll plan trips to the park if anyone has time.  My latte today is to have a latte with some friends.  I've reached the point in mommyhood where I don't spend as much time with other moms, but it is still important to my sanity that I make time for my girlfriends.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

The Good Stuff

My latte today should be to get organized.  Clearly, I'm not since I took my kids to the suburbs 30 minutes north of town for a birthday party at a jumpy place on Saturday only to find that the party was actually not until Sunday.  I had no one to blame but myself for the mix up.  I guess I could hold Mary Jane partly responsible since she ran off with the invitation about 3 minutes after it arrived in the mail, but I think it's really my fault.

By the time I drove back to the burbs today for the party, I realized that it actually made for an ok excursion.  Here are a few reasons that it's all good:  1. Yesterday was very, very rainy so being at a Jumpy Place was a good indoor activity, 2. Unlike last weekend, we did not have 3 other parties to get to.  In fact, the only other birthday party this weekend was just for adults.  It helped my mood yesterday knowing that I had a babysitter and night out with my husband on the way.  3. We still actually made it to the party, and everyone had a good laugh - the situation wouldn't have been as amusing if we were a day late instead of early.

As a result of the long drive again today and the fact that we went out last night to a grown up party, I'm worn out from the weekend but I'm not beating myself up for my mistake.  I'm looking at it as a learning experience (write it down, and double check the date & time), and a good latte, find the good stuff in a not so good situation.  

On a side note, I told Mason at bedtime that he needs to take a flower in to school tomorrow because it is teacher appreciation week, he looked confused and said, "Shouldn't we appreciate teachers every week?"  That's the good stuff!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009


As an adult, I realize that I don't imagine things as much as I daydream about what could be - things like having a full time chef, housekeeper, secretary, and personal trainer.  When we bought our house 4 years ago, I suppose that Rob and I imagined the potential for the original 1954 kitchen and aqua blue walls, ceiling, and carpet.  We're still working on it.

For my kids, imagination has a whole different meaning.  I always wished we had a level backyard with a big swing set and lots of toys for the kids.  Since spring weather has arrived in Atlanta, the kids are having a blast playing in our very overgrown backyard with their tree house, the woods, and lots of imagination.  Mason (the leader, of course) makes secret clubs everywhere he can find - under the porch, under the basement stairs, and, now, in the woods behind our house.  He has realized that he needs to make a few concessions to get his sisters' participation in his games so he lets them be princesses.  Watching my kids play in the woods, I realize that they may each be imagining a different scenario as they run around and collect rocks and sticks, but they are all imagining something fun.  Not once have they stopped and said "I wish we had some other yard toys."

Today's latte is one that isn't easy for most adults, but here goes - stop daydreaming, wishing, or wondering what if, use your imagination and have some fun with or without kids.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

"It takes a village..."

As I'm sure you know, "It takes a village" is not my line, but, right now, it is my life.  I was thinking about that line this morning when another mother actually said it to me.  She was picking her daughter up from my house between soccer and baseball games for her boys.  I am navigating my way through 5 birthday parties in 3 days while Rob is out of town.  It took carpools, playdates, and a babysitter to coordinate the day, but everyone survived and had fun.  

One day this week I got a call from another mother 10 minutes before preschool pick up - she was in a fender bender and she wanted to know if I could get her child from school.  About a month ago I asked the same favor of her when I locked myself out of the house.  As moms we need other moms (and dads) to rely on and to help us stay sane as we navigate our way through each day.  Today's latte is to ask for help, if you try to do it all yourself you and your kids will miss out.  Drop a child off with a friend while you take someone else to a party.  It will be more fun for everyone, and I'm sure that you will return the favor in no time.  And if you have a few child-free minutes (as I did this morning) don't forget to stop for a latte!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Busy, Busy, Busy

In the fall, I took pride in the fact that my children had plenty of unstructured time in which they could play with friends, toys and each other.  That only lasts for so long.  Each one of my kids is not involved in too many activities, but because of their ages (almost 3, 5, and 7).  They all get to ride along to each event.  Now this is my schedule for the next month - karate for Mason on Monday and Wednesday from 4:15 - 5, swim lessons for all Tuesday and Thursday at 4:30 (girls) and 5:00 (Mason).  Yikes!  

Here's the good news, the kids are all really excited about what they're doing which makes the commitment of both time and money seem worth it.  There is nothing worse than paying for an acivity that becomes a huge struggle every week when a child looses interest.  Also, sometimes it's nice for everyone to know exactly what's going to happen each afternoon and a busy schedule helps everyone enjoy down time even more.  

My busy latte is to not get too busy for a latte every now and then.  If the kids have lots going on, plan your day so that you aren't stressed by 5 in the afternoon about the evening routine.  Take a minute to catch your breath, maybe at the Starbucks drive through that's across the street from karate.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Children's Art

My kids bring home lots of artwork.  Of course, it is all sweet and adorable.  I would love to say that I cherish every piece, but if I tried to do that it would take over my house.  I've learned to let go and only keep a few pieces here and there.  The art is great, but, as I wittnessed last night, it is not priceless.  At the elementary school auction, lots of parents (including this one) put a price on their kids' artwork and wrote a check for it.  Mason is very excited that we will be hanging the artwork from his class in his room.  Rob isn't thrilled that I went above the $80 limit he set, but it's all for a good cause.

If you have kids, this latte is for you - enjoy the art and then move on.  Frame some of it, display it on the fridge, rotate it, and keep a few special pieces.  Don't feel badly about throwing a few things away here and there.  Like a good latte, there will be more tomorrow.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

TFT - No Excuses

I'm good at excuses.  With three young kids at home, it's fairly easy to find an excuse for almost anything - an excuse for not having time to cook, clean, exercise, shower.  You get the picture.  Today, after a very sleepless night with a coughing child, I decided that there are no more excuses.  It's TFT so even though it meant we were late for school, we walked.  Just to ensure that I wouldn't get lazy, I let Rob take the car.

So here I sit, tired after a long day of walking around and worried that it's going to be another long night.  I'm hoping that I can carry my "no excuses" attitude into my Wednesday and the rest of my week.  I can think of a dozen things that I need to get done around the house, and I'm out of excuses.  I seem to be having a tough love week as I say "Stop making excuses" as my latte today.  And don't forget to wear sunscreen - TFT left my arms a little pink!

Monday, March 9, 2009

A Lost Hour

In the spring of 2002, Rob & I went out to breakfast one Sunday morning before our weekly trip to Lowe's.  I was pregnant with our first child and traveling a bunch for work, and Rob was spending all of his spare time finishing the basement of our Denver home before our new arrival in July.  (Sidenote - my water actually broke on the way to one of our trips to Lowe's a couple of months later!)  Anyway, we were sitting at breakfast mapping out our day and I realized that with the time change, I really felt like I had lost the hour when I had to "spring forward".  Now, 7 years and 3 kids later, I still haven't gotten it back.

The longer days are great.  After last weeks snow, the weather is cooperating nicely with 70+ degrees.  The Indigo Girls were right when they said "There's someting 'bout the southland in the springtime..."  But where is my lost hour?  

This morning I woke up (in Mason's bed where I fell asleep at 5:30AM when he called me in), and I realized that it was 7:25.  Waking up with the sun doesn't really work this week.  After a mad dash to get a bleary eyed boy and his daddy out the door by 7:50, I realized that the girls needed to go to the doctor for strep tests.  No mommy & me yoga today.  One positive test (Mary Jane) later, I was in a fog because it was 11:30 and I had not had any lattes.  1 1/2 hours later after chick-fil-a, latte, and waiting around, we came home with our medicine.  

Now we're having a quick break before we go, sickness and all, to Mason's karate class.  Today I'm offering a tough-love latte - learn to deal with it.  Accept the reality that there just might not be enough hours in the day.  Luckily going out for coffee is a great way to pass the time while you wait for medicine from the pharmacy!

Friday, March 6, 2009

A Cliche Latte

Here's what I've realized, cliches and stereotypes - both often too general and overused - have some basis in truth.  As my children grow (way too quickly for my preference), I find myself using one cliche after another, "They grow up way too fast" is the most common one.  About an hour before my wedding, while I was having pictures taken my grandfather walked into the church and told me that I grew up too fast, I guess we never stop feeling that way.

Watching your children grow up can be liberating as well.  Recently the kids all had the day off from school and we went to the zoo.  It's an outing that we haven't done in a long time.  In fact, while we were there I realized that it was our first stroller-free zoo trip.  I enjoyed the freedom of watching everyone have fun without having to keep track of a stroller.  That same weekend we went to the North Georgia mountains for 2 nights, and traveling with kids has gotten so much easier now that we don't have to worry about cribs and diapers.

Still, I feel a little sad when I see a tiny baby and realize that I'm done with those days.  I know this is very cliche, but my latte today is to cherish every moment because they grow up way too fast.  Before you know it, they'll be ordering a latte with you!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

The Things Mommys Say

A few weeks ago I noted some of the really cute & funny things that our kids say.  Yesterday I realized that moms say some pretty funny things, too.  The thought crossed my mind as I walked through the den saying "If it's not food, get it out of your mouth."  I was probably using what Mason use to call my time-out voice when I said it.  When I'm really angry, I ask questions - "What kind of behavior is that?", "Do we hit?", and the ever-popular "Is that a crying reason?"

I feel just like my mother when I tell my kids to "work it out yourselves."  If your kids are still young enough to play make-believe, you'll realize the things that they hear you say.  Mason has taken to asking retorical questions in the same tone that I use.  Hearing a child scold a toy is enough to make you realize that you sometimes just sound funny, even when you're trying to sound mad.  So my latte today is to listen to yourself, you might be funnier than you think.

Note:  It was not a TFT thanks to cold weather, playdates, working at the preschool, and picking up a new table from Crate & Barrel.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Snow Day!

One of the great things about being a mom is getting to relive the joy of things that excited you as a child.  Today it's a snow day!  We spent Sunday afternoon playing in the snow with big, fluffy flakes that reminded me of Denver.  It was a rare and fun day in Atlanta, and today the snow is crunchy and icy and schools are closed.  My kids are all young enough that they still really like school, but they seem to be excited about the change in plans and the fact that we all still have on our pj's at 9:00 AM (which is not early around here).

I will admit that I haven't finished my first latte of the morning (I do know how to make them at home occasionally), and at some point we're all going to get a little stir crazy and need to get out of the house.  It will probably turn into a long day, but an exciting one since it might be a couple of years before Atlanta gets this much snow again.  Here I was about to pack up all of the coats and sweaters to get ready for spring.

Today's latte is to remember your childhood.  Remember the excitement of things like seeing a great snow storm as a fun activity not as a hassle that will snarl traffic.  Now I'm off to make another latte.  

Happy Birthday, Mom!