Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Slow Down

My tip today is simple and one that I should try a little harder to follow, slow down! If you are running late, you're not going to make up any time by trying to rush preschoolers out the door - trust me, I've tried. I'm sure that they played a part in the reason that you might be late, but it really isn't their fault so just let it go. If there is something for which you absolutely cannot be late, the kids need to be in the car, stroller, or with the sitter at least 10 minutes early. Murphy's law is so true with kids, I should just call it Mary Jane's law. This morning was a good example, I thought we were all ready to get in the stroller to go to preschool, but then Mary Jane (who was wearing a cute outfit of pink jeans and a shirt) saw Charlotte's outfit. Charlotte had on tights and a skirt, apparently a much better choice. Getting a 2 year old into tights and a skirt is not a quick process. I also had to convince Charlotte that her choice of shirt was too small and needed to be changed. Needless to say, we left about 10 minutes later than I planned. You know what? It wasn't a big deal.

Being on time to 1st grade with Mason is a whole different story, but the rules still apply, slow down and don't make your child anxious or feel responsible for the fact that things don't always run according to schedule!


Beth said...

once again, the lesson applies to non-moms and non-kids. Ira especially is always in a race against time....but what's the risk for slowing down? Thx for today's latte :) xxF

Mom said...

This is really good stuff! I feel more relaxed already after reading today's "slow down" tip. I am grateful to you for doing this blog!

My ribs are finally starting to heal, so I should be doing well by the time I come to Atlanta.

Much love,

Beth said...

did you take the day off? missed my daily latte!!! xxxF