Thursday, October 9, 2008

What's for dinner?

I know, there are books, websites, blogs, etc devoted entirely to ways to feed your family. Here is a tip that someone told me last spring, and it has really helped me: Decide by 10 AM what you are going to do for dinner that night. It sounds so simple, and it is, but I didn't realize that I really did it before. It's so easy to get caught up in rushing through the day that you don't stop to think about dinner until you have 3 hungry children ready to eat. Then it's too late to plan!

At least 2 or 3 days a week, my decision is that we are going out. I am not someone who cooks every night by any means. At least this way I can manage expectations with everyone for the evening plans. I just went to the grocery store, and tonight we are having an Ohio favorite for Rob, Brats on the grill. Tomorrow is taco night. I feel so organized right now! Last night we went out with friends, and that was great, too.

Everything can be a source of stress, but I have found a way to make dinner time a little easier for this family at least on some nights. Of course, I'm sure that someone will end up eating a pop tart and banana for dinner instead!


Mom said...

Can I come to your house for dinner tonight and tomorrow night? Brats on the grill and tacos sound a lot better than what I have planned. I am not interested in the pop tart and banana option.

Your blog just gets better and better every day! Great photo of Mason on his first day of first grade. Much love, Mom

Beth said...

Sorry that it's just me, your old fan base, chiming in. Be patient. You'l get more traction. Your tips are really practical so I'm sure others will pick them up and glad you're on the Mom Blog.

T-2 for your bday. Any plans??