Thursday, October 23, 2008

It's all about...

not me! As a mom, I'm the queen of trying to multi-task and do 5 things at once while trying to remember what I need to remember to get through each day - lunch, backpacks, snacks, teacher notes, etc. It's overwhelming at times. Here's today's latte - remember that it's not all about you. Stop and listen to what others need.

Every day is hectic for one reason or another, and when something throws a wrench in the schedule like a sick child or daddy, car trouble, bad weather - it's all going to be ok. Don't let your first thought be "how does this affect my needs for the day?" First deal with the problem or illness at hand, ask what you can do to help, and then deal with the logistics. I tend to jump into logistics mode first because it's easier to control at times, but sometimes I just need to stop and offer comfort or support. The groceries, laundry, and dishes will be waiting later. And a little treat from Starbuck might help everyone feel better...

1 comment:

Beth said...

Being a Mom must require a level of self-lessness that I can't even imagine. I am even a selfish Dog Mom sometimes and that doesn't even require very much!

I think you actually deserve an "all about you" day (go get that massage :)